Back of My Brain
Tuesday, July 15, 2003
  Okay, I admit it. I am a Coke-aholic. As I was growing up, we had lots of Coke around. I remember when I was a kid, probably late '70's or early 80's, my mom worked downtown on the square. I grew up in a small southern town where there is actually a courthouse in the middle of town, and a "square" of roads and buildings around it. My mother worked downtown, and I remember going over to the courthouse and getting a Coke from the drink machine in the stair well. They were a quarter. Yes, twenty-five American cents. I also remember that being the last place that I ever got Cokes for a quarter. But it wasn't just any Coke either, it was the little eight ounce glass bottles. Now I'm no Coke expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I swear to you, Coke that comes out of glass bottles just tastes better than Coke in those stupid plastic bottles. It's almost as if it's a different formula than what they put in the plastic bottles. Maybe it is, how do I know?!? I just know that I would walk a mile to get one of those little eight ounce bottles instead of having to drink out of those plastic ones - I don't care how they try to shape them and make them feel like the old bottles. They try to trick you with that "Coke Bottle Shape" that they make those plastic ones out of, but it's not the same. What's the difference? I don't know. Maybe some of the carbonation leaks out through the plastic. Maybe it's a different formula. Maybe some guy at the factory pees in the plastic ones. Hell, I don't know, maybe it's all in my head, but I'll still take the little glass ones any day of the week. 

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This is my little web site with thoughts that I, the Brain Master, rescue from that cob-webbed dusty corner way in the Back Of My Brain. These are my random thoughts and musings that I am putting down on electronic paper for your perusal. These thoughts are mine, all mine, and usually do not reflect the opinion of someone in their "right mind." My newest thoughts are at the top, but feel free to scroll down.

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