Back of My Brain
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
  Yes, it's been a long time since I posted anything or updated this website. So what. Get over it.

I went to the grocery store the other day get a few essential items... you know, bread, cheese, beer... and I wound up on the cereal aisle. I began to notice that cereal companies don't put prizes in the boxes like they once did. I remember when I was kid, you got all kinds of cool crap out of the cereal box. Yes, it was crap, but it also was cool. I remember the little plastic balloon car. You ripped open gashes on your fingers trying to tear the little plastic pieces apart, but you finally got the car and both axels seperated from one another and snapped together. Then you got a balloon that you put on the back of the car, blew the balloon up, and let it go on the kitchen floor. The force of the air from the balloon would propel the car across the kitchen at light speed for HOURS of fun!! Okay, it's more like the balloon would push the car a couple of feet as it wobbled across the kitchen floor for minutes of fun, but it sure sold a lot of cereal! Raise your hand if you remember the submarine that you put baking soda in causing it to rise and sink in the tub. I had one. Was it a PlayStation2 ultra-realistic submarine simulation? No, but it was cool. In fact, as a kid I remember that I didn't pick out cereal by it's nutrition content. You must be kidding, we had cereal called Super Sugar Crisps. I think it might have said on the box "GET YOUR KID HOPPED UP ON SUGAR TO START HIS DAY AS FAST AS POSSIBLE!!" Okay, maybe it didn't, but I think that was the implied message. No, when I was a kid, I picked my cereals strictly browsing the included prizes. Best prize of the week was my cereal of choice.

I weep for a whole generation of children who will pick their cereal by... dare I say... taste. What a pity. 
This is my little web site with thoughts that I, the Brain Master, rescue from that cob-webbed dusty corner way in the Back Of My Brain. These are my random thoughts and musings that I am putting down on electronic paper for your perusal. These thoughts are mine, all mine, and usually do not reflect the opinion of someone in their "right mind." My newest thoughts are at the top, but feel free to scroll down.

April 2003 / May 2003 / July 2003 / May 2004 / July 2005 /

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